You have reached the Website of Ren Repair & Engineering, you will be able to see many things made of metal and other materials. This is a company that has built many items for many different companies. If you have a special need please contact us for more information.
Ren Repair & Engineering has been doing business since 1967 with expertise in Aluminum, Stainless, Plastic and Steel. A specialty company that deals in the usual and unusual fabrication and machining.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Open most days about 9 or 10
Occasionally as early as 7,
But some days as late as 12 or 1
We Close about 4 or 5,
But sometimes as late as 11 or 12
Some days or afternoons, we aren't here at all, and lately i've been here just about all the time, Except when i'm someplace else, But I should be here then too.